Friday, January 28, 2011

Thank Goodness it's Friday

Heya! Today happens to be my favorite day of the week. No, it's not Saturday.
It's FRIDAY! :)

I've read an article by Jean Chatzky about how to make your day more worthwhile.
She says to write down 5 things that made you "Wow-ed" yourself every single day. It can be anything! So when you write those things down, you would look back and think that you have had a good day. I think it's a good way to be more positive on yourself and how you start your day with.

So, enough of that information. 5 Things that make me love Friday:
1. It's the end of working days... tomorrow is Saturday and I get to sleep in *wink*
2. My fiance is coming! He lives 2 hours away from where I live and he comes almost every weekend to see his family and I. He's wonderful.
3. I usually get to watch one or two DVDs with my sister and roommate.
4. I can relax a little...
5. I get a lot of hugs, kisses and cuddles from my special man.

Just by writing and thinking about those 5 things made me smile already. Haha... that's funny.

I have one 2011 New Year's Resolution that I'd like to share. It's something that I've been battling with all my life... and I've realized this problem.
I need to be more optimistic about myself and be more confident and positive about everything.
I've always been shy... and I always compare myself to others. It's bad... and I'd like to change that. I think it's good that I realized this problem and I'm working on it.
So, I hope I can overcome this problem... and it won't be easy. But I have faith.

Anyways, I hope today will be a good day. And it's Friday after all :) Have a good and safe weekend! :D

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